
Ubuntu環境下,查詢硬碟資訊的指令.在探索套件「util-linux」,發現一個指令「lsblk」,剛好回覆「這篇」,順便整理一下!「blkid」則是在「/etc/fstab」 ...,Linux下的VHD-Util是一个非常实用的工具,主要用于管理和操作VirtualHardDisk(VHD)文件。VHD是一种虚拟磁盘格式,广泛应用于虚拟化环境中,如微软的 ...,套件smartmontools包含了smartctl,smartd,是個可以監控ATA,SCSI硬碟(storage)SMART(Self-Monitoring,Analysisan...


Ubuntu環境下,查詢硬碟資訊的指令. 在探索套件「util-linux」,發現一個指令「lsblk」,剛好回覆「這篇」,順便整理一下! 「blkid」則是在「/etc/fstab」 ...

Linux Disk info 转载

Linux下的VHD-Util是一个非常实用的工具,主要用于管理和操作Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) 文件。VHD 是一种虚拟磁盘格式,广泛应用于虚拟化环境中,如微软的 ...

檢測硬碟SMART 健康狀態· 完全用GNULinux 工作 - Chu

套件smartmontools 包含了smartctl, smartd,是個可以監控ATA, SCSI 硬碟(storage) SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology System) 狀態的工具。我們 ...

Introduction — diskinfo 3.1.2 documentation

Disks can be explored with the creation of the DiskInfo class. During this process all disks will identified and their attributes will be stored.

some commands to check cpu, ram and disk info in linux

Introduce those commands that can be used to check hardware information on the Linux host.

A Bash Script to Gather Comprehensive Disk Information on Linux

DiskInfo: A Bash Script to Gather Comprehensive Disk Information on Linux - diskinfo.sh.

petersulyokdiskinfo: Disk information Python library for Linux.

Disk information Python library can assist in collecting disk information on Linux. In more details, it can: collect information about a specific disk ...


The diskinfo utility prints out information about a disk device, and optionally runs a naive performance test on the device.

How to get hard disk information on linux terminal? [duplicate]

If you are looking for partitioning information you can use fdisk or parted. If you are more interested into how the various partitions are associated with the ...

How To Find Out Hard Disk Specs Details on Linux

Explains how to find and access information about the installed hard disk drive specs and disks using Linux command-line and GUI options.